Thought One Hundred and One

Robert Day
2 min readJan 2, 2021
Wolf paws by Robert Day

The river is wide, the river is deep, oh my mind finds its way to the shore. An all road lead to tranquility base where I won’t cry out anymore.

The dreams last night were long and winding. Ending with a version of the Styx song “Boat on the river.” The music set at a higher pitch, the harmony a sweeter version, it makes sense as I walked through this land of death that the end should be with music by a group named after the River Styx and the boat therein.

There were these not quite cubes that glowed with a burning energy when heated in fire. The energy they gave off allowed you or the one in possession of them to do astonishing things. But they were hidden in a room with a dragon that was only a head and another entity that spoke to you if it allowed.

I wanted to take them, but to take them was to take the consequences along with them. Those consequences pushed me to give them back. That I no longer wanted what would happen to happen.

Confusing, yes.

But there were other people as there always are. One small boy ran an ATV into a deep pool in the back yard. Crying after he’d done so. Not willing to accept the consequences of his actions, angry, the green ATV now sat flooded at the bottom of the deep pool of water.



Robert Day

We are dreaming the dreamer, who is dreaming the dream. One day it’s going to end and I will be there to watch it go. ~~ ~~